Building A Better World From The Bottom Up
Call: 1-801-763-1223
Lake Powell Fuel Recovery
Cross Marine successfully removed approximately 700 gallons of fuel from a sunken houseboat in 165 ft of water on Lake Powell. Due to the high elevation, this was equivalent to diving 210 ft at sea level.
Capsized Vessel Recovery
Cross Marine was contracted for the recovery of a capsized vessel on Utah Lake. Cross Marine has salvaged dozens of recreational and commercial vessels across the country.
Bottom Profile Survey
Cross Marine completed over 800 miles of GPS tracks to perform a bottom profile survey for a private company on Utah Lake. Cross Marine vessels can be outfitted to tow various sonar profilers and impedance cables.
Aircraft Recovery
Cross Marine was contracted for a small aircraft recovery in the north arm of the Great Salt Lake. This required special knowledge due to the extreme cold and salinity levels found in this area. Cross has recovered numerous aircraft for the military and private sectors.
Intake screen replacement
Cross Marine replaced all Intake screens on the Cutler Reservoir dam. Intakes had to be transported several miles up reservoir due to limited access.
Cross Marine was contracted to dredge a local harbor for a newly installed secondary water intake. Cross was able to remove material in environmentally sensitive area where standard dredging practices were not allowed.